《血染小镇 Paint the Town Red》英文版测试版百度云迅雷下载v0.12.5.r4963


《血染小镇 Paint the Town Red》是一款设置在不同位置和时间段的混乱的第一人称近战格斗游戏。 您将需要发挥自己的才智,速度和一切,在酒吧、迪斯科、大学兄弟会的演出以及其他很多地方动手。


操作系统: Windows Vista or later
处理器: Intel Dual-Core 2 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: DirectX 10.1, Shader Model 4 GPU with 1024MB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
附注事项: If you are on or around the min spec then you may need to run with Low graphics options and at a lower resolution.
操作系统: Windows 7 or later, 64 Bit
处理器: Intel Quad Core i5 @ 2.5 GHz (or AMD equivalent)
内存: 3 GB RAM
显卡: DirectX 11, Shader Model 5 GPU with 2048MB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间





定期更新 来自:Paint the Town Red 已发布 10月4日周日 Version 0.12.5 Release and Upcoming Price Change

Upcoming Price Change

As mentioned in previous updates and as we’ve always stated on the Steam store page, we’ll soon be raising the price to the final, non-Early Access price. This will happen at the end of the coming week on Friday the 9th of October and the price will go up to $19.99 USD.

Unfortunately due to Steam rules surrounding having discounts shortly before or after a price change, we’ll likely not be able to take part in the next Steam holiday sale, but if you’d like to buy the game after this week but can’t pay $19.99, the game will be discounted on Steam at least 2 times before the end of the year so keep an eye out for that.

We’re happy to have provided the game at a lower price throughout Early Access as we personally don’t believe people should pay full price for an unfinished product, especially when there’s no guarantee it ever will be. Now that we’re approaching 1.0 and feature completion (although we absolutely will be continuing to improve and add more to the game after 1.0 for a long time to come), that time has come.


Version 0.12.5

  • Fixed Shard Lord title possibly appearing multiple times
  • Fixed no blood decals on the Arena floor
  • Stopped Shard Lord titles appearing in the Endless Arena
  • Decreased chance of enemy ragdolls going crazy
  • Improved lightmaps on some objects in Scenarios

Version 0.12.4

  • Fixed more bugs related to custom gun ammo counts in Workshop levels (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed separated head not rendering when far from body (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed chance of floating neck/shoulder elements from dead characters
  • Fixed bug with some hand elements not disconnecting from character base properly
  • Fixed some navmesh issues with certain props in Workshop levels

Version 0.12.3

  • Fixed barbell with weights not breaking into separate weapons (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed afro combs missing from afros (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed afro combs not appearing in afros in multiplayer
  • Fixed Bore Worms and Aberration tentacles sometimes not animating and remaining underground
  • Fixed hips position of characters being offset after being damaged (0.12.0 regression)
  • Tweaked bloody voxel colour

Version 0.12.2

  • Fixed enemy spawn bugs in the Endless Arena (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed lots of purchasable weapons spawning in the Endless Arena (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed Reset Brightness button bug
  • Fixed invisible bodies on some human enemies (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed weapons not showing for characters in the Level Editor (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed ammo count not being set correctly for Workshop level weapons (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed overly aggressive deload of character textures in Level Editor when making edits (0.12.0 regression)
  • Fixed female characters using male voices in some cases
  • Fixed dead enemies not always having collision initially in Workshop levels

Version 0.12.1

  • Fixed missing menu and some other audio in 0.12.0
  • Fixed Living Dead modifier not loading in 0.12.0
  • Fixed stored weapon not carried over to new levels in Beneath in 0.12.0
  • Fixed bug with Crystal Entity in Crystal Caverns in 0.12.0

Version 0.12.0

  • New asynchronous asset loading system
  • New voxel mesh and skinning system
  • Significantly reduced memory usage
  • New lightmapping system used for Scenarios
  • Generally faster loading times across the board (WIP)
  • Pathfinding optimisations
  • Beneath level generation optimisations
  • Improvements to the sound occlusion system
  • Added a Brightness slider to the options
  • Added all current guns to the Sandbox level
  • Level Editor load menu now has search functionality
  • Level Editor now saves a backup of the level each time you overwrite it
  • Level Editor now saves another backup of the level each time it is successfully loaded
  • Level Editor load menu now has a button to open the folder with the level files
  • Fixed material on saloon card props
  • Fixed incorrect ivy placement in Ruins rooms
  • Engine update from Unity 2018.4 to 2019.4
  • Fixed being able to duplicate some objects beyond the limits in the Level Editor
  • Fixed not being able to scroll to bottom of Primitive properties in Level Editor
  • Fixed primitive prop custom material being replaced on selection sometimes
  • Fixed not being able to select Arena Challenge 4 and 5 in multiplayer when already in the Arena
  • Fixed throwing the saloon mop bucket having weird trajectory
  • Fixed the Input Remapping menu not closing with the Options menu


