《北境之地 Northgard》中文版百度云迅雷下载v2.4.15.20620


《北境之地 Northgard》是一款即时战略类游戏,勇猛的‘北方人’已经开始探索和征服这些新的海岸,为的就是让他们的部落声名鹊起,通过征服、交易或对诸神的供奉名留青史。为此,他们必须在狼群肆虐和亡灵军队出没的土地上保住性命;要么与巨人结交好友,要么将其打败;并在北方有史以来最严酷的冬天里生存下来。



  • 在新发现的Northgard大陆建造你的殖民地。
  • 把你的维京人分配到不同的工作岗位(农民、战士、水手、学者等……)
  • 谨慎管理你的资源,抵御严酷的冬季环境并和恶毒的敌人对抗以求得生机。
  • 开拓新领域,发现其独特的战略机遇。
  • 在各个领域取得胜利(征服、名望、知识、交易等……)
  • 与你的好友对战,或与有不同难度等级和人格的人工智能对抗

操作系统: Windows Vista or better
处理器: Intel 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo or equivalent
内存: 1 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia 450 GTS / Radeon HD 5750 or better
DirectX 版本: 10
存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Minimum display resolution: 1366×768
操作系统: Windows 7 or better
处理器: Intel i5 3.1 Ghz Quad core
内存: 2 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7800 or better
DirectX 版本: 10
存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Recommended display resolution: 1440×900




steam :https://store.steampowered.com/app/466560/Northgard/


定期更新 已发布 3月18日周四 Balancing Patch 6 [MARCH 2021]
Hello Vikings!

Today, we’re releasing a huge (possibly even our biggest yet) balance patch that will bring widespread changes to Northgard and all of the formidable clans that inhabit it!

We’ve made a number of massive changes across the board, introducing new ways to approach the game and manage your people as you strive for conquest and you can see the whole list of what’s new below!

The Guardian Military path is still considered to be too weak, and as the vast majority of players usually choose between Tactician and Conqueror, it is being buffed:

⇒ Militia behavior
Militia is now controllable by player
Militia still cannot leave the player’s territory
Militia cannot be assigned to any other role
The Militia respawn frequency has been increased
The maximum of Militia is back to 2 / 4 / 6

⇒ Suppressing Fire
-50% WatchTowers upkeep

The objective here is to give more space to other military units and give more value to warband upgrading:
Warrior recruitment cost: 20 krowns => 30 krowns
Each new military unit increases the next cost by +5 => +6 krowns .
The Watch Tower building cost : 60 => 50 woods , upgrade remains unchanged.

Values change:
-5% attack power and defense penalty for each zone away from your territory beyond the first.
Malus is lowered by 2 for each year passed since the beginning of the game.

+50 => +30% attack power versus Mythical Creatures.
Dragonkin are Mythical creatures.

Defense 4 => 3

The Jotunn neutral faction always appeared a little too binary for us. With these changes, we’re trying to add a bit more depth to the trading with Giants:
Players will now have the possibility to trade with two Jotunn Factions: the Skrymir and the Fjolsvin.
Each of those factions can be befriended and grant the players a giant hero : Lög & Jafnadr.
The Skrymir and the Fjolsvin are rivals: each player can only trade with one of the two factions, and befriending one will lock the possibility to trade with the other.
When befriending a faction, you don’t colonize their zone anymore.
You can still trade with the befriended faction.


The powerful Champion of Jötunnheim’s workers, here to help you overthrow the lords who have inherited the land. Seize the means of wool production!


The dreaded Judicator of Jötunnheim, supreme enforcer of the lords’ inherited authority and defender of private property. I am the law!

When clicking on a Jotunn camp, players will now see the relation progression of every other player.

The needed value to befriend neutral factions is scaled on team size: food requirement will be lower in FFA than in team games.

Warchief Recruitment Cost
Mielikki costs 80 => 150 krowns

Both lynx Move speed -15%

Arrows don’t cost wood anymore.
Trackers now defend themselves in close combat as previously intended.
Trackers in close combat no longer profit from special arrows advantages.
Trackers 11 => 10 attack

Trophies & Mythical beast waves
Sacred Ram, Sacred Wolves and Sacred Bears stats have changed.
Spectral animals now have the same stats than sacred animals.
Sacred Ram:
PV 37.5 / att 5 / def 5 / militaryXp 5 / HuntTrophy 5 / Meat 30
Sacred Wolf:
PV 50 / att 11 / def 2.5 / militaryXp 15 / HuntTrophy 15 / Meat 15
Sacred Bear:
PV 62.5 / att 10 / def 13 / militaryXp 50 / HuntTrophy 50 / Meat 80
Waves increment is changed. Waves come every 2 => 3 months.
Sacred wolves and sacred bears don’t have special attacks anymore.

Placing Gleipnir’s traps in a zone in combat is no longer possible.
Traps must have been set before the fight starts, they can then be activated.
You can now put 1 trap each year.

First Bonus:
Townhall zone starts with deers. Hunters +10% production.

Second bonus:
Archery Range give +3 max military pop (instead of +2) and Trackers are 10 krowns cheaper.

Third bonus:
No change : Oskoreia calls the 2 last waves (not only the last one).

Fame 200
Unlock SacredLure ability for Mielikki. Once placed, it periodically attracts Mythical beasts to the zone, more and more as time passes.
Cost feast reduction by 5% (up to 50) for each animal killed.

Fame 500
Mielikki won’t die anymore by casting Oskeria.
While casting Oskeria, wave max isn’t reset.
Spectral animals last longer.

They are now 3 different Hunting Paths.
The Hunt Trophy “Path Completed” can be chosen multiple times while one path is complete.
Special arrows effects can stack.
Trophy costs unlock have changed.


Sharp Eye
Brundr & Kaelinn scout and use camouflage.

Nature Takeover
Decolonization Speed +10% if Mielikki is in the zone. Same for Brundr and Kaelinn.

Fire Arrows
+50% damage on Watchtowers.
Target unit has 30% chance to burn.


Caring Siblings
Brundr & Kaelinn slowly regenerate when they are together in ally territory.
Brundr +30% att if it is with Kaelinn.

The Great Hunt
Get trophies on all Mystical creatures.
+20% Attack power on Mystical Creatures

Wild Hunter
Military Units don’t suffer supply malus nor winter attack power penalty


Sibling Rivalry
Brundr & Kaelinn produce food in territory.
Kaelinn gets +40% defense if it is with Brundr

The Wise One
Mielikki produce +3 lore outside combat in your territory

Double Shot
Trackers fire 2 arrows with 30% damage for the second

Path completed
Trackers +5% att speed, +5% range, +5% move speed.
Can be bought many times.

Spoils of Plenty
Your Warchief can put two Standard Lures in a zone to attract Savage Deer that gives +10% food
You can assign 2 Hunters to a Standard Lure.
Hunter’s tool is free and 50% forging time.

Archery Mastery (replace Fur Coats)
Your first Tracker is always free.
Upgrade cost for Archery Range -50%.

+15% merchants’ production.
Hunting trophies can be sold on the Market for krowns
Allows trading routes.

Nimble Paws
Lynx Max health increased by 35%.
Dodge 30% of the attacks.

The Wild Hunt
+1 Mythical Lure
+20% attack on spirits.

At Mystical Lure, Myelikki can summon up to 3 different Spectral Beasts to defend her. The number of invocable beast depends on Mythical Waves cleared :
Wave 1:
1 Spectral Ram for 5 Trophies.
Wave 3:
+1 Spectral Wolf for 20 Trophies.
Wave 6:
+1 Spectral Bear for 75 Trophies.

Beasts have a cooldown before being summoned again.

Starting Bonuses
10 ⇒ 15% attack power and defense bonus .
Specialized civilian units have a 30 ⇒ 40% production bonus, except Loremasters.
+10 ⇒ +15% Food consumption

+10% ⇒ 5% attack power and defense for each discovered Artifact.

Torfin’s hitbox
A bit lowered.

Starting Bonuses
Added +1 base Wyrd production.

Lore Changes
Fresh Fish now replace Colonisation.
“Knowledge from Beyond” gives +2 lore per merchant in the Trading Post while trading a neutral faction.

Dragonkin recruit cost 50 ⇒ 40 krowns .
Dragonkin Incremental cost +10 ⇒ 15 krowns .
Dragonkin are considered as mythical creatures. They trigger Monster Slayer ability.
Their spinning attack triggers more frequently.

Under Pressure 0.5 ⇒ 1 Food production
Skirmisher recruitment cost: 15 krowns => 20 krowns

Starting Bonuses
The player is allowed to colonize zones containing only neutral wolves or bears, at the exception of wolf caverns. Colonization cost +20% in this situation.
Wolves and bears in colonized tiles become non aggressive for Boar clan and allies. They cannot be controlled. They defend the zone if it is attacked.

Lay of the land
Adds: the player can colonize Wolf Caverns if it contains only neutral wolves. This closes the Cavern as usual.

While Menders are not healing, they produce 1 lore and enough food to feed themselves.

Kindred Spirit bonus 10% ⇒ 15%.

Cost of coastal exploration
10 ⇒ 20 Krowns .

Fame 200
You can trade with Homeland even if “Coinage” isn’t unlocked.

Commercial Influence +20% => +10%

Lore Changes
Swap position between Hero emblem and Food preservation.
The Value of Great Deeds: Skalds produce +1 ⇒ +1.5 krowns , +1.5 ⇒ +2 if upgraded.

Relic Changes
Gefjun’s Jar becomes a generic relic. No more additional Sheepfold. No more sheep can come with new villagers.
Eldhrumnir becomes the Goat specific relic. It now allows building an additional Sheepfold.

Jarl bonus
Tower and military units gets +20% => +15% defense when feasting

Spoils of War
Enemy warriors loot 10 ⇒ 15 krowns .

Veiled Threats
Trading bonus with the Berserker in the Trading Post zone : +125% ⇒ +100%

Already GREAT.

Each clan starts with +50 woods .
Woodcutter lodge is no more mandatory to build other buildings (except campaign).

A building becomes greyed if no woodcutter lodges, and player will have less than 50 woods after building it.

Brewer, Skalds and Norns produce +25% resources.
Upgraded Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr gets +50% => +20% production bonus for Happiness , Fame & Wyrd.
Brewery, Hall of Skalds and Horgr building cost is now 60 woods and 10 krowns . The yearly upkeep cost has been decreased by 30%.

The value of happiness now displays the full decimal value.

The amount of resources you can trade with a Trade Route depends on the number of merchants assigned to this Trading Post.

Trade routes cost more resources.
With 1 merchant, you can trade 2 Food , 2 Wood , 0.1 Stone , 0.1 Iron for 1 krowns .
With 2 merchants, you can trade 4 Food , 4 Wood , 0.2 Stone , 0.2 Iron for 2 krowns .
With 3 merchants, you can trade 6 Food , 6 Wood , 0.3 Stone , 0.3 Iron for 3 krowns .

Relationship between players (ally and enemy) no longer exists. Relationships will only impact neutral factions (for trade).

Increases Sailors’s resource by 20% => 25%

It now takes +20% time to unlock the lore .

Brewery, Hall of Skalds, Horgr: 60s => 40s.
Forge, Völund’s Forge => 40s.

Jotunn stats: 100 hp ⇒ 110 hp.

A new option allows Fame and Military Path level up to be notified by a simple notification, in a more discreet way than usual.

Nerf of AI teams in Conquest.

Increases Villagers’ build and repair speed by 15% => 50%.

They are slightly lowered.

Thank you all for your support and all of the incredible feedback you’ve provided in the last few months that has contributed towards this update. Keep the feedback and suggestions coming, and we’ll see you in Northgard!

– Shiro Games
