《阿里与四季之谜 Ary and the Secret of Seasons》中文版百度云迅雷下载5512201


《阿里与四季之谜 Ary and the Secret of Seasons》是一款架空幻想题材的动作冒险RPG游戏。在游戏中,主角小女孩阿里加入了一个“季节守护”组织,出乎了人们的意料,因为这个组织通常都是由男人们支配的。她的任务就是要成功恢复Valdi世界的季节。通过阿里的三大强项 – 力量,决心和自控力,她将完成其他守护都没有达成的成就。


需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 8.1 or above
处理器: Intel Core i5-4590 Geforce GTX 660
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: AMD FX-6350 Radeon RX 460
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 9 GB 可用空间
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: Windows 10
处理器: Intel Core i7-6700 Geforce GTX 1050 Ti
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: AMD FX9590 Radeon R9 390X
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 9 GB 可用空间




小型更新 来自:Ary and the secret of seasons 已发布 9月9日周三 Ary and the Secret of Seasons first update is available now.

Thank you all for your continued support of Ary – we hope you have enjoyed your time in the world of Valdi so far. A new update has been deployed that addresses a number of common and rare issues players have reported since launch. The full patch notes can be found below.

  • Added support for keyboard and controller remapping
  • Added support for inverting X-axis
  • New tutorial for using the Summer Season added to the Muscari boss fight
  • Added additional save slots and save backup slot
  • Added ability to disable specific side quests from displaying
  • Landmarks now turn grey on the map after discovery
  • Fixed Ary becoming invisible after death and cutscenes
  • Fixed softlock after receiving quest ‘We Need a Hero’ in the Dome of Seasons
  • Fixed soft lock during the Winter Temple boss fight where the player would spawn too far away from the boss to complete the chase sequence
  • Main quest no longer resets after dying to traps during the Ostara Mines chase sequence
  • Disabled fast travel in temples to prevent softlock on reentering
  • Prevent Muscari from attacking during boss fight while the alert box is open
  • Fixed softlock caused by entering the Spring Temple before completing the Autumn Temple
  • Added music to the end of the Muscari boss fight
  • Removed double jump boots and slingshot from store to fix main quest progression issues
  • Fixed water disappearing in Ostara City on very low graphic settings
  • Chest in Summer Temple now contains more than 0 coins
  • Fixed graphical glitch where the grass was semi-transparent in winter on some hardware configurations
  • Fixed graphical glitch where the Lilypad hat was semi-transparent in winter
  • Slingshot now disabled while climbing
  • Player can no longer change costumes while not idle
  • Some German translations fixed (thanks John!)
  • Fixed Muscari mace remaining in inventory after completing Ostara Mines
  • Fixed unequipped hat reappearing in cutscenes
  • Pull help notification no longer shows up while swimming
  • Ary no longer appears with long hair during cutscenes
  • Boss health bar no longer stays around after defeating boss

While we are also aware of a few outstanding issues that will be addressed in the coming weeks, if you are experiencing any issues not addressed by this patch please leave a comment or let us know on our Discord so we can continue to look into them.

– Modus Games
